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How to Anticipate the Future and See What Others Don’t

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2022

I hope that last week’s letter has inspired you to dream again. Leadership is a life-long call, and it can be easy to get stuck in a cycle of doing the same things. We must move beyond that and imagine a new future.


How do we do that?


In dreaming of the future of your team, we must keep one question at the forefront. Am I considering their present and future needs?


While this might seem like an impossible feat, the answer usually lies in research. While academic-based research like reading books and watching videos about leadership principles are essential, it is also taking time to talk to your team. There is a clarity only conversation with the concerned parties can bring. Showing curiosity about their needs, who they are, and what they hope to get out of being part of your team will help you anticipate a future for them and your organization.


Likewise, consistently seek mentorship and experience from seasoned leaders as they have navigated teams through the most unexpected times and understand how to plan for similar circumstances.
Finally, learn to trust yourself. You understand your vision and team more than anyone. You know what the organization’s goals are and the future you desire. Work towards it, one step at a time.


Keep building!

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