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The Pathway to Building Lasting Relationships.

relationships Dec 28, 2022

Happy New Year to you! I am excited about all the great work we will do together and individually in 2023. It will be a wonderful year as we work together to build our organization’s vision. We start by building and nurturing the right relationships.


The brilliant Stephen Covey once said when trust is low, change is slow and costly; when trust is high, change is faster and less expensive. This means as we plan toward all the positive things we want to achieve in the new year, we may want to consider taking time to build trust with our team members. People are more inclined to contribute to the vision if they trust you.


Let us start with making an assessment. Make a list of people you need to reach and measure how much they trust you based on your personal history. Then, where necessary, you can build on the existing trust or nurture trust with others. Anything that can be measured can be improved. This is the quickest way to nurture your vision and goals, which will, in turn, grow your organization and its influence.


You can watch the whole session here.

Expecting great things,



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