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We want to help you in your leadership development!

Hi Friends,

I strongly believe that everyone has potential and with nurturing, we can change the trajectory of our lives. This is why Calvary Leaders Network exists—for you.

We have built a community that is committed to nurturing great leaders even when you do not know you have the potential to lead. It does not matter where you are in the world, we want you to maximize that potential because as we all know, the world needs more great leaders. With the constant changes in life as we know it, leaders in today’s world need to be all about empowering and collaborating with their teams in empathy. The traditional style of leadership was more demanding and controlling and left team members with feelings of resentment. It’s time to make the change.

At CLN, we also know that leadership potential is not enough, great leadership involves a lot of refining and growth. This cannot be done alone, like most things in life, you need to learn and sharpen it with the help of others. That is why we have leaders for every stage of your leadership journey; from licensed marriage and family counselors to church planting facilitators to those who focus on global missions.

We have developed a team to meet a plethora of your ministry concentrations.

We are waiting for you.


Excited about your leadership,


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