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Blog Posts by Courtney McBath

Do you ever feel trapped in life?

control limitation trapped Feb 02, 2021

Is it often difficult to believe your prison could have a good purpose? Do you look at the squads of guards around you and become convinced that an enemy is controlling what happens to you? It can seem that permission has been given to oppress and destroy you.

David wrote in the Psalms, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who live in it” (Psalm 24:1, NASB). If the earth and all it contains belong to God, then the prison, too, must be under His authority. God is ultimately in control of your life.

No matter what life brings your way, nothing can hide you from God’s life and love. Maybe you believe yourself so broken down, damaged, and hemmed-in that God can’t get to you. Perhaps you feel trapped emotionally and out of God’s reach. I want to encourage you: there is no place, no prison, no emotional dungeon that is hidden from the Lord.

If you are recognizing some places of limitation, you are there with God’s...

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