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Blog Posts by Courtney McBath

Boy, Did I Blow That!!

confidence maturity wisdom Nov 10, 2021

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve learned more from making the right decisions or from making wrong ones! I’m certainly not a proponent of making mistakes just to have experience, but I can’t argue with the results that have come from my “maturity by mistake” moments. 

For instance, I try to eat right most of the time, but several times a year, I “fall off the wagon.” I really blow it. That usually makes me do three things. Exercise more. Stop eating. Feel guilty. Here’s what I learned. 

Exercise more- My trainer often says, “You can’t outwork a bad diet.” So I learned something about inputs. No matter how hard I work as a leader, I can only rise as high as the information and instruction I take in! Check your leadership diet!

Stop eating - In the natural, this can slow your metabolism and potentially make you gain more weight. Take in more leadership material and instruction after you blow it. Like nutrition,...

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Sense of Belonging

Businesses, ministries, and non-profit organizations keep people connected by creating a strong sense of belonging. The vision, environment, and a loving culture are all critical to the sense of belonging, but none of these things is as impactful as a secure leader—a leader who has a sense of belonging in his/her own heart. Personally, knowing that I belong in God’s circle of friends helps me to lead others into a place of security and freedom. Creating a personal sense of belonging is essential to the growth of your organization.

Many leaders think creating a sense of belonging in your team is hinged solely on diverse representation. However, this does not guarantee that everyone will feel important and included.  For the team to feel a sense of belonging, they must believe the organization cares about them. You can achieve this by encouraging others to value what each person can bring to the table by caring for one another, advocating for everyone’s voice to...

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