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Be Grateful

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2021


 We are in the last days of 2021. I am grateful for you and your commitment to growing with CLN throughout this year, and I look forward to 2022 and many years to come. We have grown together, and there is more to come on the other side of this current season. 


By now, you have probably mapped out the strategy for 2022, and it’s exciting to see what happens next on your leadership journey. 


As you review your Big Rocks for 2022, my encouragement is to be grateful for another opportunity to fulfill your purpose. 


I’m also very grateful for the people in my life who help me stay on point, and please look for the same help in your life.  It can be a coach/mentor, friend, or even a group of people with similar goals who are working to become their very best. 


Above all, be accountable to yourself. Achieving your Big Rocks will require continual growth, encouragement, and a touch of discipline. So wake up daily with the desire to do something that takes you one step closer to the future you want to see for yourself.


Merry Christmas in advance! 

Be grateful, 



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