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Do what you can do—let God do the rest!

As a leader I have watched miracles of answered prayer for our children, reconciliation in relationships, change in hearts, and provision for our needs. Sometimes I’m tempted to say thank you and then wait for more, but I realize that my Friend expects me to lead and lead well.  Some days I can imagine my Friend saying: “Listen, I’ll keep doing My part, but I need you to make sure you handle your part. I’ll lead you out of the prison and take you into the city. I’ll change your heart. I’ll change the hearts of others toward you. I’ll do the things you can’t possibly do. But you must make the adjustments you can make.” So we must fill our hearts with wisdom so we can show others how to do their part!

Just as limitations and prison experiences teach us obedience, so do prison breaks. In something as risky as breaking away from those guards, we don’t want to be the ones leading without a commitment to lead well. We won't know where we’re going unless we prepare ourselves as leaders and let God lead the way. Once we get to the city and begin the next phase of our leadership journey, obedience is what preserves us. We’ve never been this way before.

Letting God lead us is imperative if we want to effectively lead others!


Be encouraged,


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