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Inspiration from Leading at the Next Level

Every leader leads by inspiring others to follow. We cannot inspire others if we are not inspired ourselves. My friendship with God and other people helps to keep me constantly inspired and ready to live a life that fuels the fire of purpose in others. Never underestimate the power of daily inspiration that comes through prayer, mentorship, and surrendering to God’s mission for your life.

Inspiration in leadership is a necessity. Leaders can and must empower others to develop a passion for their work and how they accomplish it regardless of their role in the team. To achieve this, you have to invest in yourself so you can invest in developing the talent of those around you and help them reach their full potential. Your behavior should also inspire and push others to give and do more. Demonstrating your commitment to their work and values by asking questions, actively participating in work, showing positivity, and remaining calm even in the midst of raging storms will inspire your team like never before.

In Living at the Next Level, Leaders Edition you will discover the many ways your friendship with God inspires you and empowers you to inspire others. In those moments when your leadership journey appears to have gone awry, the book reminds you that God is working for your good.


Be encouraged,


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