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Keep Up the Check

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2023

Welcome back to an amazing new year and to some simple thoughts designed to jump-start your progress for this year. Hopefully, you have already experienced growth from seeing goals like rocks to be chipped away little by little.


Here is a simple thought that may help you get “unstuck” and moving forward. Learn to arrange your goals as action items with a completion date, responsible party, and any potential challenges to completion. One of the advantages of creating a checklist is being able to mark a task complete. It is a feeling of accomplishment that we can not fully express with words, but it’s one of the many reasons we set goals and break them into achievable tasks and reach our goals one task at a time.


If we don’t, our goals will often suffer. Additionally, it’s easy to lose track of progress and feel you haven’t accomplished anything when we don’t track the daily actions on our list. Then we have to address the discouragement from thinking we aren’t progressing. As we handle our goals one day at a time, develop the winning habit of checkpoints.


If your goal is to finish your business course by taking classes one hour a day, by the end of the week, you should have logged seven hours of school time. So, at the end of every week, check how much time you have studied, either through your notes or how much you have completed. You are not failing if you CONSISTENTLY manage a few hours of schoolwork.


Knowing where you are on your journey not only helps you know where to make adjustments, it encourages you to be proud of how well you are doing.


This year, don’t just do, track your progress!

Keep growing,


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