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Staying Motivated: A Balancing Art

motivation Apr 13, 2022

As we approach the Easter holiday and the feeling of Spring is all around, I am excited about the new things that are coming alive! You may not have accomplished all you planned, but you’ve made a valiant start, and you have months ahead to see more progress. Leading and leading well requires us to see the best in ourselves and others. Leading successfully means celebrating the good things and bouncing back from the not-so-good things!

Decide right now to stay motivated even when there are days that challenge your commitment to lead well and lead with joy. Cultivating motivation often begins with knowing when to step back from the struggle and celebrate the great things you’ve been a part of. Establishing a healthy balance between your analysis of your weaknesses and your celebration of your victories is a skill you must master.

I often wonder how Jesus managed to stay motivated, knowing He was on His way to a hideous death on the cross. Somehow, He managed to remain focused on the task, keep loving people and graciously give His life for mankind. What an example of successful leadership!

Today let’s stay motivated and do everything in our power to keep others motivated!

Keep your head up and lead on.

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