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Encouraging Other Leaders

Identifying leaders, as we discussed in last week’s letter, is an ongoing process for anyone who wants continued success. All of us will find ourselves fulfilling the roles of mentor and coach, so I want to help you get ready to flourish.


The need for mentoring new leaders cannot be overemphasized in today’s world. Leaders at every phase of their journey need nurturing. Whether you’re a seasoned leader taking on new responsibilities or a young leader venturing into new opportunities, finding people who will share their knowledge is crucial. Sharing the knowledge and lessons from our experience as leaders to guide other leaders is a gift that cannot be minimized.


Mentoring and coaching, like all important aspects of leadership, begin with relationships. Just as we cannot discover leaders on our team if we do not take the time to get to know them, we can not offer the right guidance if we don’t have genuine relationships. One of the huge benefits of helping other leaders is the opportunity to learn from those we coach and/or mentor.


Be human. Be humble. Be honest. People will learn more from your failures than your successes!



Keep giving,


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