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Reenergize Your Vision

vision Dec 14, 2022

In our last post, we spoke about letting go of the past as we transition from 2022 to 2023. We can not let the mistakes of the outgoing year hinder how we approach our vision for the coming year. A part of our responsibility as leaders is effectively communicating hope to our team members, especially when there is fear about going into the new year. Visions are founded on the belief that they can and will happen. So while we begin with hope, we must not end there. We have to restrategize the vision for the coming year:

  1. Talk to your team: A good way to prepare and energize your team for the coming year is to ask for their input on the current year and their suggestions for the new year. This builds hope and excitement.
  2. Outline how they align with your organization’s overall vision: Your organization has a vision, and every plan should point to that vision. Highlighting the ways the 2023 vision builds the organization’s goals is a certain way to clearly communicate the vision and get everyone pumped about working towards them.
  3. Start now: Give yourself enough time to start to craft a clear vision for the coming year.


Keep growing,


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