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Blog Posts by Courtney McBath

Why your purpose in leadership matters so muchā€¦

leadership purpose success Nov 24, 2020

Dear Friend,

To conclude our series on leadership, I would like to focus on purpose in leadership.

The purpose of our lives is more compelling than personal fulfillment, peace of mind, or happiness. It defines our legacy: the way we shape people’s lives today and the impact we leave behind when we’re gone. It gives clearer, sharper definition to our reason for getting up each morning. Every leader must understand this.

It is not enough to have a title or coordinate a group of people. Ask yourself:

  • What is your purpose and that of your organization?
  • Does the purpose of your organization align with your personal purpose and value?
  • How far are you willing to go to achieve your mission(s)?

Leadership without a sense of direction or purpose is sure to give birth to mediocrity. When we are driven by purpose, we look for meaning in what we do and try to create enrichment and happiness in our lives and the lives of others. In that sense, purpose means identifying our reason...

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Why finding your purpose isnā€™t enoughā€¦

mission purpose vision Oct 27, 2020

Knowing your mission, vision, and purpose is not enough.

Yes, going through your life without knowing these things is like shooting a gun before aiming. Everything we do before discovering them seems random and unrelated. We start in one direction and stay with it until something else seems better. Then, we jump over to the next thing, and the next, and the next. Knowing our purpose produces confidence that we know where we’re going.

However, we must understand that finding our purpose is one thing; working at it—challenges notwithstanding—is another. Our purpose becomes clearer as we experience successes and failures, try new skills, and find roles that make us feel alive. Hence, giving up is not an option.

As we walk the path of purpose to fulfillment, we will experience challenges, setbacks, and failures; however, the difference between experiencing the fullness of your purpose and living a life of regret comes with perseverance.

Merriam-Webster defines...

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[Video] Next Level Leader


Recognize your influence as a leader! What is your passion? What is your purpose? How are you preparing? Defining these questions clearly will put you on the right path to becoming the best leader that you can be. Tune in for more information!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST



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Top Priorities of a Leader's Journey


What are your priorities? Everything has a purpose. When we don’t understand the purpose of something, we tend to abuse it. It is essential that we come to recognize how to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives! Tune in for more information on leadership priorities!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST


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Why is a mission statement essential for leaders?

life mission purpose Oct 06, 2020

“How do you know if your mission in life is finished? If you’re still alive, it isn’t.” —Richard Bach

The process of discovering our purpose is as different for each one of us as our varied personalities, backgrounds, and experiences. Some of us are adventurous; others value security. Nonetheless, we must understand that the process is as important as the destination.

Some coaches have noted, “Many people live with a secret deadly fear. They dread coming to the end having lived a meaningless life.” Finding a mission and fulfilling it is perhaps the most important activity in a person’s life. A person’s mission is to live by their core values—passionately, consistently, courageously, and compassionately.

Our mission is not an addendum to life. It is the controlling force. Daily, we face multiple situations in which our mission directs our choices. It charts our overarching...

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