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Blog Posts by Courtney McBath

There’s no easy way out in leadership. Here’s why…

hard work Nov 17, 2020

Dear Friend,

Today, I will be sharing a leadership quality that is not focused on enough in leadership circles: hard work. People often get carried away with the benefits of being leaders and forget that leadership requires a lot of work—a lot of hard work.

To truly excel in leadership, you must be prepared to take on several roles, and you must be dedicated to delivering consistently positive results in line with the mission of your organization. You must understand that there’s hard work that only the leader can (and must) do!

You cannot afford to be a leader who’s reluctant to get your hands dirty, and you can’t act as a bystander, watching others do the work for you. Likewise, you should not be the leader who is always looking for the easy way out. In leadership, there is no easy way out—only hard work!

A hardworking leader sets an example for the team so that they dedicate themselves to achieving set goals. It is no secret that leadership is...

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[Video] Leadership Exposure

facebook live video Nov 16, 2020

God’s plan for us requires us to grow. We can’t fulfill His plan for us without getting out of our comfort zone! To go places you’ve never gone, you’ll need to see what you have never seen! Tune in to learn how a leader can approach exposure effectively!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST




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Why mentorship is essential for leaders…

mentorship Nov 10, 2020

Dear Friend,

In our last letter, we highlighted one of the most important pillars of leadership: winning and maintaining the trust of people. In this letter, I will be sharing another important tip for the journey of leadership: getting mentorship.

Like winning people’s trust, getting mentorship is something that should start long before you occupy any leadership position. Personally, I believe that everyone—whether you have leadership goals or not—should have a mentor to help them navigate life. Look at it like this: there are things you know about life now that you did not know 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago. Imagine that you could sit down with your future self and ask for advice. You would have wise and valuable insights to share with your current self, inspired by your experiences. This is the beauty of mentorship: it prepares you for the future and ensures that you don’t have to make certain mistakes.

Mentorship in leadership is essential. It enables...

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[Video] When Your Leadership Journey Takes a Turn

facebook live video Nov 09, 2020

No matter what direction our leadership journey takes, what difficulties we may experience, or the situations we may encounter, God is in complete control! God can use even the worst of circumstances for good. Have faith in God’s control of your leadership journey!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST




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The first step to more effective leadership…

effective leadership Nov 03, 2020

We can both agree that leadership is hard work. It doesn’t matter if you’re leading two people or a thousand people—leadership stretches you more than you can imagine.

This is why preparation is important in every level you attain as a leader. You have to prepare before, during, and for each stage of leadership. How? I have some tips, and I will share one every week in November so we can discuss in detail.

Leadership requires trust—hence, the first step is winning people’s trust. This starts before you actually take on a leadership role. You have to be genuinely passionate about people in order to be a leader. If you can’t help but try to figure out how to make people’s lives easier and better, you might have a call to leadership. People choose leaders they feel have the desire to make lives easier and better. Thus, the process of gaining people’s trust is not a day’s job, or a selfish one.

Likewise, your team will be loyal and...

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[Video] Why Do We Miss Opportunities?

facebook live video Nov 02, 2020

No one wants to miss out on great opportunities! But what makes people miss them? It could be from a multitude of things, ranging from lack of vision to unreadiness. Tune in to learn everything that’s holding you back from the big opportunities in your life!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST


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Why finding your purpose isn’t enough…

mission purpose vision Oct 27, 2020

Knowing your mission, vision, and purpose is not enough.

Yes, going through your life without knowing these things is like shooting a gun before aiming. Everything we do before discovering them seems random and unrelated. We start in one direction and stay with it until something else seems better. Then, we jump over to the next thing, and the next, and the next. Knowing our purpose produces confidence that we know where we’re going.

However, we must understand that finding our purpose is one thing; working at it—challenges notwithstanding—is another. Our purpose becomes clearer as we experience successes and failures, try new skills, and find roles that make us feel alive. Hence, giving up is not an option.

As we walk the path of purpose to fulfillment, we will experience challenges, setbacks, and failures; however, the difference between experiencing the fullness of your purpose and living a life of regret comes with perseverance.

Merriam-Webster defines...

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[Video] Next Level Leader


Recognize your influence as a leader! What is your passion? What is your purpose? How are you preparing? Defining these questions clearly will put you on the right path to becoming the best leader that you can be. Tune in for more information!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST



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How your purpose serves your mission and your vision…

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2020

Your mission is the map, vision is the road, and purpose is the engine in the car.

Purpose gives you energy, drive, and determination to climb every hill and enjoy every turn on the journey. The purpose of our lives is more compelling than personal fulfillment, peace of mind, or happiness. It defines our legacy: the way we shape people’s lives today and the impact we leave behind when we’re gone. It gives clearer, sharper definition to our reason for getting up each morning. Mission and vision let us know our lives matter; our purpose describes specifically how they matter.

A sense of purpose isn’t an aftermarket add-on—it’s essential if we’re to have full and meaningful lives. I have discovered that my life sometimes feels like a ship on stormy waters. Knowing my life’s purpose is the anchor that keeps me from drifting.

We should crave purpose like we crave food. We can’t live without a sense of relevance and significance. The search...

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Top Priorities of a Leader's Journey


What are your priorities? Everything has a purpose. When we don’t understand the purpose of something, we tend to abuse it. It is essential that we come to recognize how to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives! Tune in for more information on leadership priorities!


Watch Next Level Leadership LIVE every Wednesday at 9PM EST


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